
Activities - Tulare Union High School football team cheering

Everybody wants to belong to a good cause and rub shoulders with those who share in common interests. Club activities are the perfect way for students to explore their interests in new ventures or to develop friendships with like-minded peers. Our enhanced curriculum includes the opportunity to take exploratory elective classes as well as to participate in co- and extra-curricular activities.

Our Club Offerings

Find out more about the clubs we offer at Tulare Union, and join us for a meeting!

Promotes the visual arts through various projects and museum field trips.
Contact: Ms. Amy Bailey, Rm. 204

Encourages the participation of Asian students in Tulare Union school activities.
Contact: Mr. Mark Hatton, ASB Room

Advanced Placement Via Individual Determination (AVID)

Prepares Tulare Union students who are most underrepresented in postsecondary education for 4-year college eligibility.
Contact: Courtney Hendrickson, Room 107

Band - Jazz - Orchestra - Marching

TUHS offers students the option of performing in a marching/concert band, jazz band, or orchestra. Performances include home football games; local, county, and statewide parades/reviews; and special trips statewide or nationally. Interested students must pass an audition with the instructor.
Contact: Mario Capote, Room 603

The auxiliary performers tryout in the spring and perform with the marching and concert band at home football games; local, county, and statewide parades/reviews; and in other special performances.
Contact: Mario Capote, Room 603

Black Student Union

Networking with BSU organizations around the state, Tulare Union BSU students celebrate multicultural heritage through activities including homecoming, Black History Month, area/state conferences, college tours, and weekly meetings.
Contact: Phyllis Allen-Crisp, Room 560

Encourages the reading of good books for all Tulare Union students.
Contact: Tabitha Lucio-Candy

California Scholarship Federation

The CSF club’s motto is “Scholarship for Service,” and the club recognizes and rewards academic excellence in all Tulare Union students through activities such as homecoming, a book giveaway at Christmas, Battle of the Brains (Einstein Day), fundraising, computer matching (heart-to-heart), and bimonthly meetings.

Character Counts encourages all Tulare Union students to follow the six pillars of ethical values and good character.
Contact: Mr. David Schlick, Rm. 605 or Mr. Eric York, Rm. 203

DECA (Formerly known as the Distributive Education Clubs of America)

Prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for college and careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. DECA helps provide life skills in public speaking, thinking on your feet, and overall comfort in preparation skills as well as one-on-one conversations. DECA helps with skills to benefit you in your educational career all the way into your job in the workforce.

Contact: Advisor to be determined

This club fosters an appreciation and understanding of theater arts where all Tulare Union students may gain theatrical experience through acting, directing, and set building with activities that include school plays, a talent show, and lip sync.
Contact: Jill Coyle, Room 530

Every Monday Matters

Turning Mondays, the least favorite day of the week, into a favorite, through a character education program promoting self-worth, respect, citizenship, and kindness toward others. We hope to inspire people to understand how much they matter, and empower them to get involved and make a difference at school, at home and in the community. Join us in being the change we want to see.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

The FCA focuses on serving local communities by equipping, empowering, and encouraging Tulare Union coaches and student athletes to make a difference for Christ.
Contact: Andre Martinez, Room 111

Colleges look for students who are diverse in their extracurricular activities, talents, and skills. In today’s work, the ability to effectively speak in front of groups of people is a talent revered and admired. The Forensics Club is for students interested in competitive speech and competitive speech tournaments.
Contact: Jill Coyle, Room 530

Freshman Class Council

Promotes freshman involvement in school as well as unity and school spirit among the freshman class.

Friday Night Live Club

The Friday Night Live Club (FNL) promotes a healthy teen lifestyle for all Tulare Union students free of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, while building partnerships for positive and healthy youth development, which engages youth as active leaders in the community. Club member activities include pledging to the FNL purpose, homecoming, Red Ribbon Week, the Great American Smokeout, Healthy Heart Week, and the annual TUHS Health Fair.
Contact: Gina Hirayama, Room 200

Future Business Leaders of America

The FBLA engages all Tulare Union students who are preparing for careers in business and business-related fields in a wide variety of activities. Members participate in local service projects; develop leadership skills; and compete in regional, state, and national FBLA competitions.
Contact: Advisor to be determined

Future Farmers of America

FFA provides instruction in all areas of agriculture to all Tulare Union students enrolled in agriculture classes and provides leadership activities at all levels. Career development events and speech competitions are an important aspect of FFA. Visit our FFA site to learn more.
Contact: Agriculture teachers at the school farm

Future Homemakers of America - Home Economics Related Occupations (FHA-HERO)

Tulare Union students enrolled or previously enrolled in a consumer home economics program or home economics-related occupation program develop career and leadership skills through character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, and practical knowledge. These skills help prepare our students to enjoy success in their personal and family-life careers.
Contact: Ms. April Andrews, Rm. 570

Gay Straight Alliance (GSA)

Provides a safe place for students to meet, support each other, and talk about issues related to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression.

Interact Club (Rotary International)

Interact fosters leadership and responsible citizenship in Tulare Union students as they attain practical experience in conducting service projects, thereby learning the satisfaction that comes from serving others

Junior Class Council

Promotes junior involvement in school as well as unity and school spirit among the junior class.

Key Club (Kiwanis International)

Key Club involves Tulare Union students in school and community service while developing quality leaders and citizens. Activities include fundraisers and community projects such as a senior citizens formal dance, a Thanksgiving food drive, Santa Claus phone calls, and weekly meetings.

Life Bible Club

Tulare Union students grow closer to God, set a good example, and reach out to others. Activities include the monthly “See You at the Pole,” weekly meetings, and guest speakers.
Contact: Debra Tapley, Room 60

The Link Crew is a very successful transition program for incoming freshmen at Tulare Union. Each school year, 90 hand-picked junior and senior Link Leader students provide peer support and encouragement as well as social events and tutoring for all freshmen.
Contact: Mr. Brandon Price, Rm. 83 and Mr. Eric York, Rm. 203

Literature Circles Club

Literature Circles are small groups of students who are reading, responding to and discussing books. The club encourages thoughtful discussion and a love of reading, allowing individual responses and open conversations about books and topics

Tulare Union students learn and improve upon their mathematics skills and help spread that knowledge. Activities include bi-weekly meetings, math contests, chess tournaments, scholarship fundraising events, and learning to use the latest technologies.
Contact: Garrett Maze, Room 55

This club helps Tulare Union’s Hispanic students succeed in school, encourages self improvement, and allows for the development of leadership skills. MEChA also provides cultural events for the student body and community.
Contact: Mr. Juan Javier Sanchez and Ms. Veronica DeRueda, Vans 5 and 7

Merchandising (Trade Post Student Store)

Students get involved in all the activities associated with the marketing of goods, supplies, and services to consumers through the campus’s student store, The Trading Post.
Contact: Annette Ruiz, Room 606

Partners Assisting Leading Supporting (PALS)

This club promotes positive peer interactions between the general Tulare Union student population and the students in the special education classes.
Contact: Special Education office, Room 306A

Mentor students work with peers to help them with important, and sometimes difficult, academic and social issues associated with school life.
Contact: Michelle Potts

Pep Squad: Cheerleaders/Songleaders

The Pep Squad performers are determined through tryouts in the spring and perform at various athletic events and competitions throughout the year

Contact: Ms. Britney Audino or Mr. Danny Santana, Assistant Principal’s Office

We encourage all Tulare Union students to promote the Portuguese heritage, traditions, and customs through activities that include scholarship fundraising events, homecoming, and a trip to Six Flags Magic Mountain.
Contact: Dennis Borges, Van 3

The mission of Project Z is to increase awareness of bullying within our schools and communities. Our primary goal is to create a culture of respect for everyone; ultimately we want schools to be a safe, enjoyable place that helps both victims and bullies. We want to set a fire of acceptance and kindness that spreads into the lives of many.

Club Contact: Mr. Mark Hatton, ASB Room

The Science/Ecology Club promotes environmental awareness and science in everyday life among Tulare Union students.
Contact: Ms. Pat McCue, Rm. 71

Senior Class Council

Promotes senior involvement in school as well as unity and school spirit among the senior class.

SOPAS: Portuguese Connection

Sophomore Class Council

Promotes sophomore involvement in school as well as unity and school spirit among the sophomore class.

The Spanish Club promotes a greater awareness of Spanish culture among all Tulare Union students.
Contact: Maria Bruns, Room 822

We encourage all students to join this very spirited organization dedicated to supporting our sports teams and activities on campus.
Contact: Mark Hatton, ASB Room

Young Democrats Club

Designed to deliver valuable information about how to become part of a new generation of Democratic political activists. Students examine, discuss and debate current events and modern political issues.

Contact: Advisor to be determined

Young Republicans Club

Interact with students who share the same conservative views about the political landscape of our country, state, and community. Students are encouraged to respectfully share their beliefs during club debates and remain abreast of the daily activities in our government. The club also encourages students to be strong citizens and leaders on campus and in the community.

Vocational Industrial Clubs of America

VICA promotes leadership activities, participation in competitive events, independent work, and career preparation for Tulare Union students in vocational fields.
Contact: Mike Groah, Room 301

TUHS students

Tulare Union High School 755 E. Tulare Ave., Tulare, CA 93274 P: (559) 686-4761 F: (559) 687-7367

Statement of Non-Discrimination/Harassment (Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973): The Tulare Joint Union High School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment), or bullying based on a person’s actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, gender identity, immigration status, marital status, religion, national origin, parental status, pregnancy status, race, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For questions or complaints, contact the Equity and Title IX Coordinator: Tammy Aldaco, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and Business, 426 North Blackstone, Tulare, CA 93274, (559) 688-2021,

and Section 504 Coordinator: Roger Robles, Director of Special Education, 387 North K Street, Tulare, CA 93274, (559) 687-7351,