FAQ: Where do we send our OCWM (Our Church’s Wider Mission) check? (or check for Strengthen the Church, or Disaster Relief, or…) Any check for a UCC or UCC-related ministry/program is sent to your Conference office using its remittance form. Contact YOUR Conference for your form.
A Church Finance Handbook from our UCC Massachusetts Conference provides comprehensive guidance for church treasurers and finance committees (or trustees).
Handbook for Treasurers from our partner church, the Christian church (Disciples of Christ), covers many useful topics beyond those specific to their denomination.
Here is a link to Clergy Resources, from the UCC Connecticut Conference.
Tools for Effective Local Church Management (pdf) from our UCC Connecticut Conference, is a comprehensive resource for church management.
The Audit Committee Handbook (pdf) is a wonderful guide for an internal audit committee, prepared for our UCC Massachusetts Conference by Frank A. Marino, MBA, CPA.
Finally (for now), The ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) has launched a Finance for Congregations webpage which includes guides for Audit, Treasurers, Budget, Internal Control, Reimbursement Policies, Contingency Planning, Data Security, Identity Theft and other useful information.
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